Monitoring Environmental Health in Maternal and Newborn Health Programs In Health Care Facilities

The objectives of this brief are to review common and effective indicators for monitoring environmental health conditions and measuring improvements in maternal and newborn health care as well as recommend opportunities to enhance monitoring of environmental health in maternal and newborn health care settings.

WASHinHCF Webinar Series Summary

The document provides a summary of the 12 month WASH in Healthcare Facilities webinar series with short descriptions of each webinar.

UNICEF Scoping study in Eastern and Southern Africa

UNICEF Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Office conducted a regional scoping study and deep dive on the Enabling Environment for WASH services in Health Care Facilities across its 21 programming countries in Eastern and Southern Africa Region. The aim was to assess the status of the enabling environment for WASH services in health facilities, identify related gaps and explore avenues to enhance programming in the region.