WASH in Healthcare Facilities Actions in Response to COVID-19
This document describes ten immediate water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) actions that low-resource healthcare facilities can undertake with limited budget in the near-term (0-3 months) to prepare for and address COVID-19. On the second page, WHO and UNICEF have provided input on how to best adapt their Eight Practical Steps in the midst of COVID-19. Finally, there is a compilation of WASH in HCF & COVID-19 resources for action.
The document is also available in French, Spanish and Portuguese.
French: www.washinhcf.org/resource/dix-mesures-immediates-en-matiere-de-services-eah-a-adopter-dans-les-etablissements-de-sante-pour-lutter-contre-la-covid-19/
Spanish: www.washinhcf.org/resource/diez-acciones-inmediatas-en-materia-de-wash-en-los-centros-de-salud-para-la-respuesta-a-la-covid-19/
Portuguese: www.washinhcf.org/resource/dez-acoes-imediatas-de-ash-nas-instalacoes-de-cuidados-de-saude-para-responder-a-covid-19/