Hand Hygiene for All: A call to action for all of society to achieve universal access to hand hygiene

The Hand Hygiene for All Initiative presents an opportunity to create a step-change in how hand hygiene is promoted, enabled and mainstreamed throughout the whole of society and across the globe. It aims to bring together multiple sectors around a common platform to coordinate voices and actions and, crucially, to align these behind national hand hygiene strategies. The global framework for this Initiative will organise actors around four main areas: evidence and learning, multi-stakeholder engagement, investment and monitoring. UNICEF and WHO will be supported by a select group of core partners, including but not limited to World Bank, Sanitation and Water for All, International Federation of the Red Cross and the Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine/Hygiene Hub, International Labour Organization, United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR), Global Handwashing Partnership and WaterAid. If you have any questions, contact Michael Emerson Gnilo megnilo@unicef.org and Maggie Montgomery MontgomeryM@who.int.

FAQs: Local production of alcohol-based hand rub for health facilities

The following Frequently Asked Questions document is based on a December 2019 webinar on the local production of alcohol-based hand rub in Uganda for healthcare workers by Infectious Disease Institute at Makerere University and the US CDC.

From Outbreak to ABHR production: Experience from Cameroon

Presentation given at the 2019 Global Meeting on WASH in health care facilities, held in Livingstone, Zambia (9-11 September 2019).