2020 WASH in Healthcare Facilities Trailblazers: Second Edition

This booklet highlights some of the progress made over the year, featuring 35 organizations (the “Trailblazers”) who continue to be committed to improving WASH in health care facilities. With such a strong response to the first edition, Global Water 2020 published a second edition to correspond to the publication of the Global Progress Report.

2020 Trailblazers for WASH in health care facilities

This document marks one year from the June 19 2019 commitments meeting held in Washington D.C. and highlights some of the progress made over the year, featuring 31 organizations (the "Trailblazers") who continue to be committed to improving WASH in health care facilities.

Commitments for Change: What you can do now to make a difference – Advocacy Flyer

In 2019, a World Health Assembly Resolution on WASH in health care facilities, agreed to by 194 member states, outlined concrete actions that countries can commit to. These include establishing national roadmaps and targets, implementing standards, integrating WASH and IPC indicators into health programming and monitoring and increasing domestic funding. This flyer summarises these actions. If you would like to make a commitment, please visit www.washinhcf.org/commitments

Uganda WASH in HCF Stakeholders Directory

This directory provides key contacts and summaries of activities for stakeholders working on WASH in HCF in Uganda as of October 2019.

Summary of partner commitments made at the 2019 Global Meeting

Presentation given at the 2019 Global Meeting on WASH in health care facilities, held in Livingstone, Zambia (9-11 September 2019). Commitments were made by the following partners: CDC, Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, Health Care Without Harm, International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO), One Drop, Save the Children, WaterAid, World Bank and World Vision. This presentation provides a summary of those commitments.

Summary of country commitments made at the 2019 Global Meeting

Presentation given at the 2019 Global Meeting on WASH in health care facilities, held in Livingstone, Zambia (9-11 September 2019). The following countries made commitments at the Global Meeting: Bhutan, DRC, Ethiopia, Ghana, Haiti, Hungary, Indonesia, Malawi, Mali, Mozambique, Nicaragua, Philippines, Rwanda, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Viet Nam, Zambia and Zimbabwe. UNICEF Yemen also spoke about the challenges in Yemen but were unable to make a commitment. If you, your country or organization are interested in making a commitment, please visit www.washinhcf.org/commitments

Summary of stakeholder commitments on WASH in health care facilities

This document provides a summary of commitments made by organizations in June 2019 to advance WASH in health care facilities. These were shared at a meeting held in Washington D.C. on 19th June 2019. Updated with commitments through January 2020 (100 commitments).