Hands-Free Handwashing stations in Eastern & Southern Africa region in the context of COVID-19 pandemic

This is a consolidation of low-cost low-tech design & construction guidance for building mobile hands-free Handwashing with Soap Stations in UNICEF's East and South African Region countries, with the aim of reducing risks of disease transmission and increasing desirability for hand hygiene.

Behavioural Determinants of HandWashing and Glove Recontamination before Aseptic Procedures at Birth

Behavioural Determinants of HandWashing and Glove Recontamination before Aseptic Procedures at Birth. A Time-and-Motion Study and Survey inZanzibar Labour Wards  

2018 Handwashing Behavior Change Think Tank: Event Report

The Global Handwashing Partnership and Procter & Gamble convened the 2018 Handwashing Behavior Change Think Tank in Manila, Philippines. This event brought together academics, practitioners and stakeholders working in handwashing behavior change across the globe to co-create solutions in handwashing behavior change. The event report can be accessed here: https://globalhandwashing.org/resources/2018-handwashing-behavior-change-think-tank/

Approaches to promote handwashing and sanitation behaviour change in low- and middle-income countries

A systematic review to show which promotional approaches are effective in changing handwashing and sanitation behaviour.

Availability and satisfactoriness of latrines and hand washing stations in health facilities, and role in health seeking behavior of women: evidence from rural Pune district, India

A paper looking at WASH infrastructure in small health facilities in rural Pune, India, and expectations and satisfactoriness among women.