Global Strategic Roundtable on WASH, waste & electricity in health care facilities-Meeting Report

WHO and UNICEF organized a global strategic roundtable on water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH), waste management, and electricity in health care facilities. The event took place on 23-24 May 2024... Read more »

Global Framework for Action 2024–2030 for water, sanitation, hygiene, waste and electricity services in all health care facilities

The Framework serves to guide efforts to deliver safe and sustainable water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), health care waste management and reliable electricity in all health care facilities. The ultimate... Read more »

High Level Ministerial luncheon on WASH in Health care facilities-WHA77

Honourable Khumbize Kandodo Chiponda, the Minister of Health in Malawi, hosted a high-level ministerial luncheon on WASH in health care facilities in Geneva on May 30, 2024. The event was... Read more »

WASH-in-Healthcare Facilities: Trainers’ Guide (The WASH Foundation)

The WASH Foundation’s WASH-in-Healthcare Facilities (WinHCF) program is designed to support UNICEF and the World Health Organization (WHO) in their efforts to train healthcare facility staff to include water, sanitation,... Read more »

WASH Reflections from Dnipro, Ukraine

Dr. Maragaret Montgomery, the lead of WASH in Healthcare facilities and settings in WASH Unit-WHO shares her reflection from her recent visit to Dnipro, in Eastern Ukraine. She co-facilitated a... Read more »

UN General Assembly resolution: Sustainable, safe and universal water, sanitation, hygiene, waste and electricity services in health care facilities

The new resolution emphasizes the critical role these services play in achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and underscores the gaps in current global services. It also encourages Member... Read more »

WASH FIT Training Report-Nigeria

WHO & UNICEF organized a national WASH FIT training in Keffi Town-Nigeria in close collaboration with the National Primary Health Care Development Agency. The training was held for five days... Read more »

WASH FIT Training Report in Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone conducted a national WASH FIT training from the 4th to the 8th of December 2023. The training targeted 38 health professionals from national and district and facility levels.... Read more »

A National Investment Case on Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)in Health-Care Facilities (HCFs) in Tajikistan

This document is National Investment case on WASH in healthcare facilities in Tajikistan. The document includes quantification cost of actions and inaction to achieve the SDG 6 target for WASH... Read more »


National Guidelines for WASH in Healthcare Facilities in Nigeria (2022)

This document is the national guidelines for water, sanitation and hygiene in healthcare facilities, it was developed to address the gaps in WASH in healthcare facilities. The guidelines include how... Read more »