Status of water, sanitation and hygiene services for childbirth and newborn care in eight countries in East Asia and the Pacific

This study aimed to investigate availability of WASH policies, standards, and services for childbirth and newborn care in hospitals in East Asia and the Pacific. Descriptive analysis of survey data and observations of water, sanitation and hygiene services in maternity and neonatal care rooms and of deliveries in 153 hospitals in Cambodia, China, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Mongolia, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Solomon Islands, and Viet Nam. The main outcome measures were availability of national policies and standards; availability of water, sanitation, and hygiene services in maternity rooms and neonatal care units; and practice of hygiene at childbirth.

Commitments for Change: What you can do now to make a difference – Advocacy Flyer

In 2019, a World Health Assembly Resolution on WASH in health care facilities, agreed to by 194 member states, outlined concrete actions that countries can commit to. These include establishing national roadmaps and targets, implementing standards, integrating WASH and IPC indicators into health programming and monitoring and increasing domestic funding. This flyer summarises these actions. If you would like to make a commitment, please visit

Indicators and questions for monitoring WASH and related infection prevention and control in delivery rooms:

This module for monitoring WASH and related IPC in delivery rooms is a final draft - the indicators and questions can now be used in relevant surveys and programmes. No WASH expertise is required to use them. The indicators build upon existing JMP indicators for monitoring WASH in health care facilities (in general service areas) and WHO’s Essential Environmental Health Standards in Health Care (2008). The JMP is seeking feedback from users up to the 28th February 2020 after which time a revised version will be published. Please share your feedback via

Safe management of waste from health care activities: A summary

A summary of the 2014 WHO global standards for health care waste management

Safe management of wastes from health care activities [Russian]

A summary of the 2014 WHO global standards for health care waste management


Hygiene on maternity units: lessons from a needs assessment in Bangladesh and India

As the proportion of deliveries in health institutions increases in LMICs, so do the challenges of maintaining standards of hygiene and preventing healthcare-associated infections in mothers and babies. A needs assessment was conducted in seven maternity units in Gujarat, India, and eight in Dhaka Division, Bangladesh in 2014.

Improving Maternal Health in Zanzibar through Improved WASH

A briefing note on a Government of Zanzibar-commissioned and SHARE-funded study that examines the standards of WASH, infection prevention control and solid waste management across ZanzibarÕs thirty-seven maternity units.

Monitoring drinking water, sanitation, and hygiene in non-household settings: Priorities for policy and practice

A review of international standards, international and national actors, and monitoring initiatives on WASH in non-household settings.

Manual of standrads for Primary care facilities

This Manual of Standards for Primary Care Facilities shall serve as a guide for stakeholders in health facility planning and development for these health facilities. Chapters of the manual discusses... Read more »