Este documento es la resolución ministerial sobre la gestión de residuos en los centros sanitarios.
Year Issued: 2018
National Action Plan for Tackle Antimicrobial Resistance in the Republic of Tajikistan (2018)
Zambia WASH and IPC standards: Training manual (2018)
A training curriculum which accompanies the Zambian standards and SOPs for WASH and IPC in health care facilities.
Zambia WASH and IPC guidelines and SOPs (2018)
This document accompanies the Zambia minimum standards for WASH and IPC.
Zambian Minimum standards for WASH and IPC in health care facilities (2018)
This document proposes minimum standards and guidelines for WASH and IPC in health facilities. It is intended to serve as a guide to staff in implementing IPC-WASH as well as a reference for standards in planning and implementation.
Simplified WASH FIT assessment for use in Mali (2018)
National Strategy for Water, Sanitation and Hygiene-Infection Prevention and Control in Healthcare Facilities, Ghana
Ghana’s costed national strategy This strategy takes into account the Medium-Term Development Framework of Ghana 2018-2021, revised National Health Policy (NHP, 2020), the Universal Health Coverage (UHC) Road map for Ghana (2020-2030), the African Union Vision 2063 and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.