The Green and Safe Health Facilities Manual details environmental considerations for all health facilities. The standards and criteria in this manual are aimed at enhancing patient safety through improved indoor environmental quality, site sustainability, health care waste management, energy and water efficiency in all facilities. Find the manual here!
Year Issued: 2021
National Guidelines for WASH Standards in HCF in Nepal (2021-2022)
Here are the National guidelines for WASH in HCF in Nepal, the document is available in Nepalese.
Health Care Waste Management Guide – Sudan (2021)
Scoping Study to Establish a Baseline for Reporting to SDGs for WASH in Health Care Facilities in Pakistan
Volume Two: Analytical Assessment Report
HeRAMS Mali : Rapport de référence 2020
Cartographie exhaustive des formations sanitaires, de la disponibilité des services essentiels et des barrières à leur prestation
Water, Sanitation, & Hygiene AND Waste Management at Primary Healthcare Centres (2021-2030) Road Map-Indonesia
Health Care Waste Management Manual – Ethiopia (2021)
Unpacking the Built Environment: WASH and the Approach to Improving Health Facility Infrastructure (COP Event)
Mapping of Existing WASH in HCF Tools & Approaches
Skat Foundation, as part of the hands4health project, undertook a study to identify all existing tools and approaches which can be applied to WASH in HCF. This document provides an excel list of all identified resources, including those specific to WASH in HCF, those that could be applied from WASH in Schools and those from health that may not be specific to WASH.
Decentralized Chlorine Generation COP Meeting: May 2021
Slides from the May 2021 meeting of the global community of practice on decentralized chlorine production.