Improving Facility Readiness in Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) And Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) In Ghana

In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic shocked health systems, demanding the urgent identification and prioritization of immediate health care facility needs. Beginning in August 2020, USAID’s MOMENTUM Country and Global Leadership provided rapid technical and capacity development assistance to local health networks in Ghana and four other countries to improve facility readiness in water sanitation and hygiene (WASH) and infection prevention and control (IPC). This package of materials details the impact and outcomes of this work, as well as lessons learned to inform future WASH and IPC efforts in health care facilities and quality improvement programming.

Experiences of postnatal mothers with quality of care including water, sanitation and hygiene amenities during the outbreak of COVID – 19 in Ghana: An institutional cross-sectional study

Objective: To investigate the experiences and perceptions of postnatal mothers with quality of healthcare including WASH amenities among postnatal mothers in Ghana during the COVID-19 outbreak.


Decentralized Chlorine Generation COP Meeting: Aug 2021

Slides from the August 2021 meeting of the global community of practice on decentralized chlorine production.


WASH in Healthcare Facilities in Ghana: Status & National WASH Costed  Strategy

Presentation by Dr. Mary Ashinyo, Deputy Director- Institutional Care Division within Ghana Health Service at the Global Taskforce meeting in April 2022.

Global Analysis of health care waste in the context of COVID-19: case studies

These 12 case studies are part of the WHO 2021 publication: Global Analysis of health care waste in the context of COVID-19.


National Strategy for Water, Sanitation and Hygiene-Infection Prevention and Control in Healthcare Facilities, Ghana

Ghana's costed national strategy This strategy takes into account the Medium-Term Development Framework of Ghana 2018-2021, revised National Health Policy (NHP, 2020), the Universal Health Coverage (UHC) Road map for Ghana (2020-2030), the African Union Vision 2063 and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.


Evaluation of water, sanitation and hygiene status of COVID-19 healthcare facilities in Ghana using the WASH FIT approach

Evaluation of the WASH status of seven COVID-19 treatment centres in Ghana using WASH FIT.

Ghana country update

An update of country progress prepared for the 2019 Global Meeting on WASH in health care facilities, held in Livingstone, Zambia (9-11 September 2019)


National Guidelines for Health Care Waste Management in Ghana

The document provides guidance on solid and liquid hazardous and non-hazardous health care waste as well as gaseous emissions along the complete logistic chain: procurement, generation, segregation, collection, storage, transport, treatment and disposal.

Health Care Waste Management Policy for Ghana

This policy is a revision of the health care waste management policy and guidelines of 2006 and seeks to improve HCWM in accordance with existing international conventions through adoption of best available technology and best environmental practices.