When assessing WASH in healthcare facility surveys, tasks such as cleaning and analyzing the data, and reporting back to facilities can be time-consuming and/or require unavailable expertise. This tool was created to address those tasks as part of The Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development's
initiative to evaluate WASH in 150 of its healthcare facilities and provide support. It has since been adapted so that others could use it for data analysis and reporting.
These tools evaluate a quick WASH in healthcare facility survey (~45 minutes) to assess which facilities meet basic JMP standards, and create reports that highlight each facilities' Strengths, what issues could be addressed without additional funding (Minor Issues to Resolve), and what issues require additional funding to resolve (Major Issues to Resolve). These reports and the next steps document should be sent to each facility, and may also be helpful when seeking funding. These tools are available for both R and Excel, in both English and French. The R version automatically produces facility reports, and the Excel version provides all prompts that need to be pasted into the reports. The Excel version is recommended for organizations evaluating less healthcare facilities (e.g. <20), and the R version is recommended for organizations evaluating many facilities. Prior experience with R is not required. Descriptions of how to use the tools and what files are provided are in the intro tab for the Excel tool, and the file titled README Guide to Using the Tool.docx.
If you have any questions about these tools, please contact stephenpathilton@gmail.com.