Useful resources for Practical Action 5: Monitor & Review Data

A list of useful resources to consult when considering how to carry out Practical Step 5: Monitor & Review Data. This was shared at the 2019 Global Meeting in Livingstone, Zambia (September 2019).

Indicators and questions for monitoring WASH and related infection prevention and control in delivery rooms:

This module for monitoring WASH and related IPC in delivery rooms is a final draft - the indicators and questions can now be used in relevant surveys and programmes. No WASH expertise is required to use them. The indicators build upon existing JMP indicators for monitoring WASH in health care facilities (in general service areas) and WHO’s Essential Environmental Health Standards in Health Care (2008). The JMP is seeking feedback from users up to the 28th February 2020 after which time a revised version will be published. Please share your feedback via

Findings from SNV baseline on health care facilities in 5 countries

Preliminary results from a survey of health care facilities conducted by SNV in 16 cities across 5 countries (Bangladesh, Indonesia, Nepal, Tanzania and Zambia). 366 facilities were surveyed in total.

A systematic tool to assess sustainability of safe water provision in healthcare facilities in low-resource settings

To achieve safe water for all (Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6), many healthcare facilities (HCF) will require onsite water treatment. This paper describes a systematic tool to assess the sustainability of safe water provision in HCFs.

Afghanistan WASH in Healthcare Facilities Assessment Summary

A report of the World Vision assessment of 105 healthcare facilities in three Afghan provinces conducted in April 2018 with Emory University.

WASH in health care facilities – Global baseline report 2019

The first global baseline estimates for WASH in health care facilities, prepared by the Joint Monitoring Programme.

Core questions and indicators for monitoring WASH in Health Care Facilities in the Sustainable Development Goals

This document provides a set of core questions and indicators for WASH in HCF to be used for harmonized national monitoring. The monitoring results allow better comparison of survey results over time and between countries, as well as facilitate global analysis of WASH in HCF in the context of the 2030 Agenda. The indicators include definitions for basic water, sanitation, hand hygiene, health care waste management, and environmental cleaning services. Each indicator is supported with a set of recommended questions for use in data collection, which allow classification of facilities in relation to “service ladders” that can be used to monitor progress.

Environmental conditions in health care facilities in low- and middle-income countries: Coverage and inequalities

This paper presents the first coverage estimates of environmental conditions and standard precaution items in HCFs in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) and explores factors associated with low coverage.

Facility Evaluation Tool for WASH in Institutions (FACET) Manual

An assessment tool that uses recommended JMP core indicators for health care facilities