CAWST finds new ways to support WASH implementers during the pandemic
In response to the pandemic, the Centre for Affordable Water and Sanitation Technology (CAWST) shifted priorities of their training and consulting services from in-person to online and remote, with a continued focus on supporting WASH implementing organizations and capacity service providers. They have supported organizations to design and adapt COVID-19 responses in communities, while continuing to provide training and advice on conventional WASH programming and helping organizations to implement COVID-19 safety measures in order to continue WASH programs safely.
Additionally, CAWST partnered with the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine to develop the COVID-19 Hygiene Hub. The Hub is a free service that supports actors in low- and middle-income countries to rapidly design evidence-based hygiene interventions to combat the coronavirus. It provides three main services: providing real-time advice from technical advisors on hygiene programs, sharing resources that summarize the current evidence to make practical recommendations, and offering a platform for sharing what is working among governments, organizations, and civil society actors.
Aligned with the WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme service ladders for WASH in health care facilities, CAWST offers support to achieve improvements in WASH services. CAWST shares experience integrating the WASH FIT approach, in a gender-responsive manner. These solutions are best suited for smaller health care facilities, such as health posts, clinics, and health centres.
Through 2020 and 2021, CAWST is working to identify how to best support implementing organizations to deliver adequate, appropriate, and sustainable WASH in health facilities. CAWST is working with implementing organizations and capacity service providers to identify key challenges and gaps. Through this input, CAWST will develop clear step-by-step guides, technical briefs and training to aid decision-making, implementation of WASH solutions, and operation and management.
About CAWST: CAWST teaches people how to access safe drinking water, sanitation, and hygiene in their homes, schools, and clinics, using simple, affordable technologies. To do so, CAWST transfers knowledge and skills to organizations and individuals in low- and middle-income countries offering workshops, open content training resources, and consulting services.