The role of infection prevention and control in preventing antibiotic resistance in health care

An infographic to raise awareness during World Antibiotic Awareness Week 2017 on the links between IPC, WASH and AMR in health care settings.

Prevention first: Tackling AMR through water, sanitation and hygiene

This article focuses on three neglected elements of WASH and AMR in healthcare facilities and the environment, highlighting the importance of WASH for mothers and newborns, and on synergizing WASH policies and approaches to support the continuum of care from healthcare settings to the home.

Drug-resistant infections: A Threat to Our Economic Future

This Reports examines the economic and development consequences of AMR with a focus on the aspects that are most relevant to LMIC and on the measures that these countries can take, together with the larger global community, to mitigate the economic and health costs of AMR.

Genderised WASH in Ugandan and Indian Public Health Care Facilities: Sandec News (Issue 17)

This article highlights the second phase of the two year interdisciplinary G-WASH research project. G-WASH combines social anthropology, gender studies and sanitary engineering to research different usersÕ needs about WASH infrastructure in health care facilities.

Fight antimicrobial resistance: protect mothers and newborns

A handout given at the 2016 Women Deliver Conference with WHO recommendations to reduce AMR around the time of delivery.