Civil Society statements in support of the WASH in healthcare resolution

The resolution on patient safety has been passed at World Health Assembly 72.
The resolution outlines the need for an enhanced focus on patient safety, the history and key technical areas that are now paramount to ensuring patients will be cared for with high quality, safe standards.
The first World Patient Safety Day has also been confirmed by 17 September 2019.
Follow up to date information.
Professional and amateur photographers from all over the world are invited to take part in the International Photo Contest on greener healthcare waste management, which will be held from April 30 to May 31, 2019. Participation of healthcare, environmental health workers, women and youth is particularly welcomed.
The goal is to increase public awareness on the issues related to healthcare waste treatment and management (HCWM) through visual and artistic medium and to promote best practices on HCWM along with non-incineration waste treatment and mercury-free technologies for greener healthcare practices.
Apply now!
Website : www.GreenHealthCareWaste-Photos.org
Online Application page: http://application.greenhealthcarewaste-photos.org/
Download the Flyer: http://greenhealthcarewaste-photos.org/download/flyer.pdf
Downloads the Roll-up Banner: http://greenhealthcarewaste-photos.org/download/roll-up.pdf
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